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퇴직연금 수급권 보장에 관한 연구 : A Study on Employees Retirement Pension Benefit Security

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dc.description학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 법과대학 법학과, 2022.2. 이철수.-
dc.description.abstract퇴직연금제도는 국민연금을 보완하는 노후 소득보장체제로 2005년 도입되어 시행되고 있다. 다른 국가와 달리 우리나라는 퇴직연금을 법정 의무가입제도로 운영하며 퇴직연금 급여의 종류와 내용, 산식방법 등을 모두 법으로 정하고 있다. 퇴직연금 적립금은 일반 사적연금과는 달리 원칙적으로 사용자의 부담금으로 구성되고, 정부는 근로자의 급여 수급권 보호를 위한 방안을 강구할 책임을 지닌다. 또한 사회보장위원회는 공적연금과 퇴직연금의 체계간 연계성을 바탕으로 국가의 사회보장원칙 추진 전략을 구성한다. 우리나라의 퇴직연금제도를 준 공적연금제도로 이해할 수 있는 이유이다. 퇴직연금제도 유형별 퇴직연금 수급권의 성질은 부분적으로 상이하지만, 각 퇴직연금제도는 노후 필요소득을 보장하는 급여로 사회보장적 성격과 후불 임금 또는 개인 저축에 기인한 재산권적 성격을 혼재하여 가진다는 공통점을 가진다. 그 결과 퇴직연금 수급권은 사회적 기본권에 포함될 수 있으며, 퇴직연금 수급권의 내용은 퇴직연금제도의 목적에 맞게 독자적으로 규율될 수 있다. 본 논문은 퇴직연금제도의 특징과 퇴직연금 수급권의 성격을 바탕으로 근로자의 퇴직연금 수급권 보장과 관련된 구체적인 법적 쟁점을 검토한다. 통상 연금제도의 성장 단계에서는 제도의 타당성을, 연금제도의 성숙 단계에서는 연금 급여의 적절성을 논의하게 된다. 퇴직연금제도는 현재 성장 단계로 파악되기 때문에 연금제도의 가입범위와 운영관리의 적절성 정도를 본 논문의 중요한 논의 쟁점으로 고려하였다. 그에 따라 퇴직연금 가입대상 근로자의 범위를 초단시간 근로자와 가구 내 고용활동 종사자 등으로 확대하고, 제도를 적용받는 근로자 간 차별 없이 퇴직연금 수급권이 보장되는 방안이 무엇이 있을지 검토한다. 또한, 2021년 퇴직급여법 개정으로 도입된 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금제도 관련 법제를 살펴보고, 퇴직연금기금 공동의 이익을 위한 연대원칙 적용 가부를 검토한다. 퇴직급여 적립금 운영 및 관리와 관련하여, 퇴직연금 수탁자의 범위와 책무를 살펴본다. 우리나라 퇴직연금제도 도입 시 주요 벤치마킹 대상국이었던 미국과 일본 퇴직연금제도의 수탁자 범위와 책무를 검토하고, 이들 국가의 법제가 우리나라에 시사하는 바가 있는지 살펴본다. 그러한 과정을 바탕으로 본 논문은 현행 법제 대비 광의의 퇴직연금 수탁자 범위와 강화된 수탁자 책무를 제안한다. 나아가 근로자의 연금제도 참여 가부, 사용자 또는 퇴직연금사업자로부터 정보 및 교육 제공 의무를 검토하고, 퇴직연금에 가입한 근로자가 스스로 연금 수급권을 보장할 수 있는 방안이 있는지 또한 찾아본다. 한편 현행 퇴직급여법은 퇴직급여제도의 설정 및 운영에 필요한 사항을 정하고 있으므로 퇴직연금의 수령과 관련된 사항은 원칙적으로 퇴직연금사업자와 근로자간 사적 계약에 따라 정해진다. 퇴직연금 수급 자격과 급여 수준 등은 퇴직급여법이라는 강행법규에 따라 일정 수준의 보호조치 하 형성되지만, 퇴직연금 수령과 관련된 근로자의 권리는 사법(私法)적 차원에서 논의되는 것이다. 퇴직연금 수급권이 사회보장적 성격을 가지는 권리임에도 불구하고 퇴직급여법이라는 개별 법률에 따라 완전히 보장되지 못하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 상황을 고려하여 먼저 퇴직연금 수령단계에서 연금 수급권을 보장하기 위해 개선해야 할 사항이 무엇이 있는지 검토한다. 구체적으로 퇴직급여법상 다양한 퇴직연금 수급권을 허용할 것을 제안한다. 미국과 일본은 퇴직연금 관련 법에서 노령연금, 장애연금 등 다양한 종류의 수급권을 종신연금 방식으로 지급할 수 있도록 정하고, 배우자 등 피부양자의 퇴직연금 수급권을 법 규정으로 인정한다. 우리나라 퇴직급여법은 관련 규정이 없어 판례 또는 퇴직연금사업자와 수급자 간 약관 등 사적 계약에 따라 내용이 정해진다. 퇴직연금제도의 사회보장적 기능을 고려하여 현행 제도를 보다 유연하게 설계하는 방안을 강구할 필요가 있다.
다음으로 퇴직연금 가입자의 권리구제 방법과 절차를 살펴본다. 퇴직연금 급여지급에 대한 의무주체는 사용자와 퇴직연금사업자로 구분된다. 사용자의 퇴직급여 지급의무와 관련된 근로자의 퇴직연금 수급권은 노동법 등 법률적 차원에서 논의되는 반면, 퇴직연금사업자의 적립금 지급의무와 관련된 사항은 민법 또는 상법상 계약자 또는 금융소비자의 권리로 접근되어야 한다. 권리구제 방법은 비사법적 권리구제인 사전적 권리구제 절차와 사법적 권리구제인 사후적 권리구제로 구별할 수 있다. 사용자가 퇴직급여를 지급해야 하는 의무를 불이행하는 경우, 근로자는 지방노동관서에 퇴직급여를 지급받을 수 있도록 해 달라고 진정하거나 사용자를 퇴직급여법 위반으로 처벌해달라고 고소할 수 있다. 이러한 사전적 권리구제 절차를 거친 근로자는 민사소송 등 사후적 권리구제 절차를 이행할 수 있다. 본 논문은 사용자가 고의로 퇴직급여를 지급하지 않는 경우에 대하여 사전적 권리구제 절차를 확대하는 방안을 제안한다. 한편 사용자 파산 또는 도산 시에는 근로자는 임금채권우선변제 제도를 통해 최종 3년간의 퇴직급여에 한하여 퇴직연금 수급권을 보장받게 된다. 이 경우 근로자가 임금채권 우선변제권을 행사하기 위해 민사소송을 통하여 집행권원을 부여받아 강제집행에 참여하여 법원에 배당요구를 해야 하는 등 상당한 시간과 비용이 소요된다는 점에서 수급권 보장 수준 및 방법에 한계가 있다고 생각된다. 따라서 사용자의 도산시 퇴직연금 수급권이 충분히 보장될 수 있도록 별도의 연금지급보장제도를 도입하는 방안을 제안한다. 퇴직연금사업자의 퇴직급여 지급의무 불이행 시, 근로자는 금융감독원의 금융분쟁 조정위원회 또는 한국소비자원의 소비자 분쟁 조정위원회의 조정을 거치게 된다. 만일 조정절차에서 사안이 해결되지 않으면 민사조종 및 민사소송을 통하여 사후적 권리구제 절차를 진행할 수 있다. 퇴직연금사업자의 도산 시에는 예금자보호법에 따라 원리금 보장형 상품에 가입한 적립금에 한하여 퇴직연금사업자당 가입자 1인 별 5천만 원에 한하여 퇴직연금이 보장된다. 적립금이 5천만 원을 초과하는 경우 초과분에 대한 손실은 불가피하다는 점에서 연금 수급권을 충분히 보장하지 못하는 법제라고 생각되며, 시정이 필요하다고 본다.
한편 정부는 현행 계약형 퇴직연금제도 외 기금형 퇴직연금제도를 도입하는 방안을 지속 추진하고 있다. 기금형 퇴직연금제도는 근로자의 연금제도 참여 기회를 확대하고 기금 자체 상황을 반영하여 투자결정을 내릴 수 있어 연금 수익률 제고가 용이할 것이라는 견해를 바탕으로 한다. 그러나 현행 우리나라 노사관계상 근로자 복지와 노사갈등 수준을 고려할 경우 노사간 균형 잡힌 기금제도 운용이 가능한 사업장은 사실상 드물다고 판단이 되어 오히려 합리적 기금 운용이 어려울 것으로 생각된다. 또한, 기금형 제도를 도입한 미국과 일본은 퇴직연금 수급권과 관련된 분쟁 사안 및 관련 판례가 상당히 많은 편이다. 근로자의 퇴직연금 수급권 보장을 최우선으로 고려한 연금제도의 성장 및 확대가 필요할 것이다.
dc.description.abstractThe retirement pension plan was introduced and implemented in 2005 as a supplementary to the national pension plan. Unlike other countries, Korean retirement pension plan works as a statutory mandatory subscription system, and the types, contents, and formula of retirement pension benefits are all stipulated by law. The employers contribute retirement pension funds and the government is responsible for devising measures to protect workers' right to receive the pension benefits. And this is the biggest difference from a general personal pension. In addition, the Social Security Committee composes the national social security principle promotion strategy based on the linkage between the public pension and retirement pension plan. This is the reason why Korea's retirement pension plan can be understood as a quasi-public pension system. Although the nature of the entitlement of the each type of retirement pension plan is partially different, each has a common feature in that it has characters of social security and property rights. The former is due to that the plan is for guaranteeing workers' old-age life, and the latter is due to that it is paid as deferred wages or is derived from individual savings of the workers. As a result, the entitlement of the retirement pension benefit can be included in the basic social rights, and the content of the right to receive a retirement pension can be independently regulated according to the purpose of the retirement pension system.
This thesis examines specific legal issues related to the guarantee of workers' right to receive retirement pension based on the characteristics of the retirement pension plan. Usually, the feasibility of the system is discussed during the growth stage of the pension plan and the adequacy of pension benefits during the maturity stage of the pension system. Since the retirement pension plan is currently in its growth stage, the scope of the pension plan's coverage and the appropriateness of its operation and management were
considered as important issues of discussion in this thesis. Accordingly, the scope of workers eligible for retirement pension subscription will be expanded to include ultra-short-time workers and those engaged in household employment activities, and it will be reviewed whether there is a way to guarantee the rights to receive retirement pensions without discrimination between workers covered by the system. In addition, this thesis reviews the laws related to the retirement pension fund for small and medium-sized enterprises introduced with the revision of the Employee Retirement Benefit Security Act in 2021, and analyzes whether or not the principle of solidarity is applied for the common benefit of the retirement pension fund.
In relation to the operation and management of the retirement benefit funds, the scope and responsibilities of a retirement pension trustee or fiduciaries are reviewed. The scope and responsibilities of trustees of the US and Japan, which were major bench-marking countries when introducing Korea's retirement pension plans, are reviewed, and whether the legal systems of these countries have any implications for our legal systems. Based on such a process, this thesis proposes a broader scope of trustee for retirement pension and stronger fiduciary responsibility compared to the current legal system. Furthermore, it examines whether or not workers participate in the pension plan, the obligation to provide information and education from employers or
retirement pension providers, and whether there is a way for workers who have joined a retirement pension to guarantee their own rights to receive pensions. Meanwhile, as the current Employee Retirement Benefit Security Act stipulates necessary matters for the establishment and operation of the retirement benefit, matters related to the receipt of a retirement pension are, in principle, determined by a private contract between the retirement pension service provider and the employee. Retirement pension entitlement and benefit level are formed under a certain level of protection in accordance with mandatory regulations, however, workers' rights related to receiving retirement pensions are discussed at the judicial level. Although the right to receive a retirement pension is a kind of social security rights, it can be seen that it is not fully guaranteed according to the individual laws called the Employee Retirement Benefit Security Act. Considering this situation, first, the thesis reviews what needs to be improved to ensure the right to receive pensions at the stage of receiving retirement pensions. Specifically, it is proposed to allow the right to receive various retirement pensions under the Employee Retirement Benefit Security Act. In the United States and Japan, retirement pension-related laws stipulate that various types of entitlements such as old-age benefits and disability benefits can be paid in the form of a life annuity, and the right to receive retirement pensions benefits of dependents such as spouses is recognized as a legal regulation. However, Korea's Retirement Benefit Security Act does not have relevant regulations, so the content is determined according to precedents
or private contracts such as terms and conditions between retirement pension providers and beneficiaries. Considering the social security function of the retirement pension plan, it is necessary to devise a more flexible design of the current system. Next, the thesis looks at the methods and procedures for redressing the
rights of the pension plan participants. The obligatory subjects for the payment of retirement pension benefits are divided into employers and retirement pension providers. While the employee's right to receive retirement pension related to the employer's obligation to pay retirement benefits is discussed at the legal level, such as the Labor Act, matters related to the retirement pension service provider's obligation to pay reserves should be approached as the right of a contractor or financial consumer under the Civil or Commercial Act. Rights remedies can be divided into ex ante remedies, which are non-judicial rights remedies, and ex post rights remedies, which are judicial remedies. If an employer fails to perform his/her obligation to pay severance
pay, the employee may file a complaint with the local labor office to receive severance pay or sue the employer for violating the Retirement Benefit Act. Workers who have gone through these ex-post rights remediation procedures can proceed with ex-post rights remediation procedures such as civil litigation.
This paper proposes a plan to expand the preemptive right to remedy the case where the employer intentionally does not pay severance pay. Meanwhile, in the event of an employer's bankruptcy or bankruptcy, workers are guaranteed the right to receive retirement pensions only for the last three years of retirement benefits through the wage claim priority reimbursement system. In this case, there is a limit to the level and method of guaranteeing the right to beneficiary in that it takes a considerable amount of time and money, such as requiring the worker to participate in compulsory execution and request a dividend to the court after receiving the right of execution through a civil litigation in order to exercise the right to preferential repayment of the wage claim. Therefore, it is proposed to introduce a separate pension payment guarantee system so that the right to receive retirement pensions can be sufficiently guaranteed in case of bankruptcy of the employer. In the event of a retirement pension service provider's non-compliance with the obligation to
pay retirement benefits, the employee goes through mediation by the Financial Dispute Mediation Committee of the Financial Supervisory Service or the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee of the Korea Consumer Agency. If the matter is not resolved in the conciliation procedure, the ex post rights remediation procedure can be carried out through civil manipulation and civil litigation. In the event of bankruptcy of a retirement pension providers, according to the Depositor Protection Act, the retirement pension is guaranteed to 50 million won per individual insured per retirement pension business operator limited to the deposits subscribed to the principal and interest guaranteed product. If the funds reserve exceeds 50 million won, it is considered a legal system that does not sufficiently guarantee the right to receive annuity in that the loss of the excess is unavoidable, and revision is necessary.
Meanwhile, the Korean government is continuing to promote the introduction of a fund-type retirement pension plan in addition to the current contract-type plans. The fund-type plan is based on the view that it will be easy to increase the rate of returns of the pension funds by expanding the opportunities for workers to participate in the pension system and making investment decisions that reflect the their own circumstances. However, considering the welfare of workers and the level of labor-management conflict due to current labor-management relations in Korea, it is judged that there are practically few workplaces where a balanced fund system between the employee and the employer is possible, and it is rather difficult to manage the fund rationally. In addition, the United States and Japan, which have introduced a fund-type pension plans, have a lot of disputes and related precedents related to the right to receive pension benefits. It will be necessary to develop and expand the pension system that prioritizes the guarantee of workers' right to receive retirement pensions.
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론 ····················································································································· 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 ································································································ 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 ································································································ 5
제2장 퇴직연금의 의의와 수급권 보장의 필요성 ··············································· 9
제1절 퇴직연금제도 도입 배경과 그 의의 ···································································· 9
Ⅰ. 도입 배경 ····················································································································· 9
Ⅱ. 퇴직연금제도의 의의 ······························································································ 11
제2절 퇴직연금제도의 성격 ··························································································· 13
Ⅰ. 공적연금제도와 사적연금제도의 구분 ································································ 13
Ⅱ. 퇴직연금제도의 특징과 그 성격 ·········································································· 15
제3절 퇴직급여법상 퇴직연금 수급권 ········································································· 18
Ⅰ. 퇴직급여법의 특징과 변천 과정 ·········································································· 18
1. 퇴직급여법의 특징 및 한계 ·············································································· 18
2. 퇴직급여법의 연혁 ······························································································ 21
1) 도입 초기 일부 개정 작업 ··········································································· 21
2) 전부 개정 작업 ······························································································· 21
3) 최근 일부 개정 작업 ····················································································· 25
3. 현행 퇴직급여법의 구조 ···················································································· 26
Ⅱ. 퇴직연금 수급권의 개념 및 성질 ········································································ 29
1. 퇴직연금 수급권의 개념 ···················································································· 29
2. 퇴직연금 수급권의 법적 성질 ·········································································· 31
3. 퇴직연금 수급권의 발생 요건 및 지급의무 주체 ········································ 36
1) 확정급여형 퇴직연금 지급 사유 및 지급의무 주체 ······························· 36
2) 확정기여형 퇴직연금 지급 사유 및 지급의무 주체 ······························· 40
3) 개인형 퇴직연금 지급 사유 및 지급의무 주체 ······································· 41
제4절 퇴직연금 수급권 보장 필요성 ············································································· 43
Ⅰ. 현행법상 규정 ········································································································ 43
Ⅱ. 논의의 필요성 ·········································································································· 45
제3장 퇴직연금 수급권 보장 관련 법적 쟁점 ···················································· 49
제1절 총설 : 접근 방법 ·································································································· 49
제2절 가입단계 ················································································································· 50
Ⅰ. 가입대상 및 참여 주체 ·························································································· 50
1. 가입대상 ················································································································ 50
2. 가입절차와 참여 주체 ························································································ 51
1) 도입 준비과정과 노사의 참여 ····································································· 51
2) 제도신청 및 제도설계 ··················································································· 54
3) 퇴직연금규약 동의 및 신고 ········································································· 56
4) 퇴직연금사업자와 계약 체결 ······································································· 56
5) 부담금 납입 ····································································································· 58
Ⅱ. 근로자와 사업장 유형별 특징 및 수급권 관련 쟁점 ···································· 59
1. 고용형태에 따른 제도 적용 차이 ·································································· 59
1) 차등설정 금지의 원칙 ··············································································· 59
가. 일반 원칙 및 복수 연금제도 설정시 문제 ············································ 59
나. 복수의 연금제도 하 근로자별 차등설정 가부 ······································ 60
2) 단시간 근로자의 제도 적용 가부 ······························································· 63
가. 일반 원칙 및 법 조문 해석상 발생하는 문제 ······································ 63
나. 취업규칙에 따른 초단시간 근로자 대상 제도 적용 가부 ·············· 65
다. 초단시간 근로자의 제도 적용 가부 검토 ·············································· 66
3) 가사근로자의 제도 적용 가부 ····································································· 69
가. 검토 배경 ······································································································ 69
나. 「가사근로자의 고용개선 등에 관한 법률」제정과 한계점 ·············· 71
다. 가사근로자의 퇴직급여 제도 적용 가부 검토 ······································ 73
4) 임원에 대한 제도 적용 가부 ······································································· 78
가. 임원의 개념 및 근로자성 인정 여부 ······················································ 78
나. 임원의 보수와 퇴직급여 ············································································ 82
다. 임원의 퇴직급여 산정방식 및 산정 기간 ·············································· 84
라. 퇴직급여 지급률과 차등설정 원칙 ························································ 86
2. 사업체 규모에 따른 제도 적용 ········································································ 89
1) 사업 또는 사업장 규모별 노동관계법 적용 범위와 관련 현황 ··········· 89
2) 소규모 사업장 퇴직연금제도 필요성 및 제도 지원 ····························· 91
3) 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금 제도 및 관련 쟁점 ··········································· 93
가. 도입 취지 ······································································································ 93
나. 기금형 퇴직연금제도의 특징 및 유형 ···················································· 94
다. 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금 제도의 내용 및 구조 ·································· 98
라. 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금제도의 한계와 연대원칙 적용 가능성 ······ 101
마. 기금형 퇴직연금제도의 퇴직연금 수급권 보장을 위한 논의 ·········· 103
Ⅲ. 소결 ·························································································································· 108
제3절 적립 및 운용단계 ································································································· 111
Ⅰ. 운용 과정과 점검 방법 ························································································ 111
1. 퇴직연금제도 운용 과정 ·················································································· 111
2. 제도 운용 점검 방법 ························································································ 113
3. 현황 ······················································································································ 115
4. 확정급여형 적립금운영위원회의 구성 등 ···················································· 115
5. 한계 ······················································································································ 118
Ⅱ. 수탁자의 의의와 책임 ·························································································· 119
1. 퇴직급여법의 취지 ·························································································· 119
2. 신탁법과 자본시장법의 영향 ·········································································· 122
3. 수탁자의 책무 ···································································································· 126
1) 수탁자의 정의 및 의의 ··············································································· 126
2) 신탁법과 퇴직연금법상 수탁자의 의무 ··················································· 127
3) 충실의무 ········································································································· 129
4) 선관주의 의무와 그 판단 기준 ································································· 133
4. 수탁자의 범위 ································································································ 136
5. 수탁자 제재 방법 및 수준 ·············································································· 143
6. 수탁자 책무에 대한 미국 판례의 기준 ························································ 146
7. 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금제도의 수탁자 ························································ 148
8. 퇴직연금 모집인의 책무 ·················································································· 151
Ⅲ. 근로자의 퇴직연금제도 참여 ·············································································· 154
1. 근로자 참여의 의의 ·························································································· 154
2. 근로자대표를 통한 근로자의 참여 ································································ 156
3. 근로자의 직접 참여 ·························································································· 160
Ⅳ. 사용자와 퇴직연금사업자의 정보 및 교육 제공 의무 ································ 162
1. 퇴직연금사업자의 운영 현황 통지의 의무 ·················································· 162
2. 사용자와 퇴직연금사업자의 교육 제공 의무 ·············································· 163
3. 교육 현황 및 한계 ···························································································· 165
4. 근로자의 교육을 받을 권리 ············································································ 166
1) 사용자에 대한 권리 주장 가부 ································································· 166
2) 퇴직연금사업자에 대한 권리 주장 가부 ················································· 169
Ⅴ. 소결 ·························································································································· 171
제4절 수령단계 ················································································································· 173
Ⅰ. 수령 절차 ·········································································································· 173
1. 퇴직급여 청구절차 ···························································································· 173
2. 퇴직급여 수령 방법 ·························································································· 175
Ⅱ. 연금 수급권과 관련된 쟁점 ················································································ 177
1. 퇴직연금 급여의 종류 ···················································································· 177
2. 퇴직연금 수급권자 사망시 ·············································································· 179
3. 퇴직연금 수급권자 이혼시 ·············································································· 181
4. 수급권 압류금지 관련 논의 ············································································ 183
1) 압류금지 관련 판례 및 개정 조항 ··························································· 183
2) 대법원 판례 및 개정 조문의 의의 ··························································· 187
3) 한계점 ············································································································· 188
5. 연금 수급권 소멸시효 ······················································································ 189
제5절 권리구제 ················································································································· 191
Ⅰ. 총설 ···················································································································· 191
Ⅱ. 권리구제 방법 ·································································································· 193
1. 사용자 의무 불이행 시 권리구제 ·································································· 193
2. 사용자 파산 또는 도산 시 권리구제 ···························································· 194
3. 퇴직연금사업자 의무 불이행 시 권리구제 ·················································· 197
4. 퇴직연금사업자 도산 시 권리구제 ································································ 199
Ⅲ. 연금제도의 폐지, 변경 또는 중단과 퇴직연금 수급권 ································· 200
1. 연금제도 폐지절차와 폐지 시 권리구제 ···················································· 200
2. 퇴직연금제도 변경 또는 퇴직연금사업자 변경 시 ·································· 202
3. 퇴직연금제도 중단 시 퇴직연금 수급권 보장 조치 ·································· 207
제4장 결론 ················································································································ 209
제1절 논의 요약 ··············································································································· 209
제2절 발전 방향 ··············································································································· 216
참고문헌 ···················································································································· 219
Abstract ···················································································································· 234

[표 목차]
[표 1] 현행 퇴직급여법상 수급권 보장 관련 규정 ······················································· 43
[표 2] 사업장 규모별 퇴직금 적용률 및 퇴직연금 가입률 ········································· 90
[표 3] 사업장 규모별 시간당 임금총액 ··········································································· 91
[표 4] 계약형 퇴직연금제도와 기금형 퇴직연금제도의 차이 ····································· 95
[표 5] 연금제도별 특징 ····································································································· 100
[표 6] 퇴직급여법상 사용자 책무 규정 ········································································· 118
[표 7] 퇴직급여법상 퇴직연금사업자 책무 규정 ························································· 119
[표 8] 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금제도 자산운용 체계 ··················································· 150
[표 9] 퇴직연금 교육내용 ································································································· 164
[그림 목차]
[그림 1] 우리나라 노후소득보장체계 ··············································································· 11
[그림 2] 가사서비스와 가구 내 고용 활동의 범위 ······················································· 76
[그림 3] 기금형 퇴직연금 구조 ························································································· 96
[그림 4] 확정기여형 퇴직연금 및 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금 구조 ····························· 99
[그림 5] 한국 노사관계 특징별 분류 ············································································· 106
[그림 6] 퇴직연금 운용 과정 ··························································································· 112
[그림 7] 퇴직연금 자산관리업무 신탁계약 ··································································· 125
[그림 8] 퇴직연금 펀드 설정 시 관계도 ······································································· 138
[그림 9] 중소기업 퇴직연금 기금제도 운영체계 ························································· 149
dc.publisher서울대학교 대학원-
dc.subject퇴직연금 수급권-
dc.subject준 공적연금-
dc.subject연금 수탁자-
dc.subject근로자퇴직급여 보장법-
dc.subject연금 가입과 운영 및 수령-
dc.title퇴직연금 수급권 보장에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Employees Retirement Pension Benefit Security-
dc.contributor.AlternativeAuthorShin Jung, HWANG-
dc.contributor.department법과대학 법학과-
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