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Direct reconstruction method for discontinuous Galerkin methods on higher-order mixed-curved meshes I. Volume integration

Cited 13 time in Web of Science Cited 20 time in Scopus

You, Hojun; Kim, Chongam

Issue Date
Academic Press
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.395, pp.223-246
This work deals with the development of the direct reconstruction method (DRM) and its application to the volume integration of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method on multi-dimensional high-order mixed-curved meshes. The conventional quadrature-based DG methods require the humongous computational cost on high-order curved elements due to their non-linear shape functions. To overcome this issue, the flux function is directly reconstructed in the physical domain using nodal polynomials on a target space in a quadrature-free manner. Regarding the target space and distribution of the nodal points, DRM has two variations: the brute force points (BFP) and shape function points (SFP) methods. In both methods, one nodal point corresponds to one nodal basis function of the target space. The DRM-BFP method uses a set of points that empirically minimizes a condition number of the generalized Vandermonde matrix. In the DRM-SFP method, the conventional nodal points are used to span an enlarged target space of the flux function. It requires a larger number of reconstruction points than DRM-BFP but offers easy extendability to the higher-degree polynomial space and a better de-aliasing effect. A robust way to compute orthonormal polynomials is provided to achieve lower round-off errors. The proposed methods are validated by the 2-D/3-D Navier-Stokes equations on high-order mixed-curved meshes. The numerical results confirm that the DRM volume integration greatly reduces the computational cost and memory overhead of the conventional quadrature-based DG methods on high-order curved meshes while maintaining an optimal order-of-accuracy as well as resolving the flow physics accurately.
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