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유류오염부지 시범적용을 통한 실외공기 오염물질흡입 노출경로에 대한 부지특이적 노출량 산정 방안에 대한 고찰 : Study on the Exposure Assessment Methodology for Outdoor Air Inhalation Pathways in Site-specific Risk Assessment and Its Application in a TPH-contaminated Site
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Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2020-09
- Publisher
- 한국지하수토양환경학회
- Citation
- 지하수토양환경, Vol.25 No.3, pp.65-73
- Abstract
- Exposure assessment methodology for outdoor air inhalation pathways (i.e., inhalation of volatile compounds and fugitivedust in outdoor air) was investigated. Default values of several parameters currently used in Korea (e.g., Q/C; inversevalue of concentration per unit flux, and frs; soil fraction in PM10) may not be suitable and lack site-specificity, as theyhave been adopted from the risk assessment guidance of the United States or the Netherlands. Such limitation can beaddressed to a certain degree by incorporating the volatilization factor (VF) and the particulate emission factor (PEF) withBox model. This approach was applied to an exposure assessment of a site contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons inKorea. The result indicated that the suggested methodology led to more accurate site-specific exposure assessment foroutdoor inhalation pathways. Further work to establish methodology to determine site-specific Q/C values in Korea needsto be done to secure the reliability of the exposure assessment for outdoor air inhalation pathways.
- 1598-6438
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