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Predictive CT Features of Visceral Pleural Invasion by T1-Sized Peripheral Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas Manifesting as Subsolid Nodules
Cited 41 time in
Web of Science
Cited 43 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2017-08
- Publisher
- American Roentgen Ray Society
- Citation
- American Journal of Roentgenology, Vol.209 No.3, pp.561-566
- Abstract
- OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to determine whether visceral pleural invasion (VPI) of T1-sized peripheral pulmonary adenocarcinomas manifesting as subsolid nodules (SSNs) abutting the pleural surface or associated with pleural tags can be predicted. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Our study population consisted of 188 T1-sized peripheral pulmonary adenocarcinomas that appeared as SSNs (24 pure ground-glass nodules [GGNs] and 164 part-solid nodules) and underwent surgical resection between January 2007 and December 2013. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify significant factors in predicting VPI. RESULTS. VPI occurred in 36 of 188 adenocarcinomas (19.1%). There were no cases of VPI in patients with pure GGNs. In part-solid nodules, there were significant differences regarding the presence of pleural contact, presence of pleural thickening, presence of solid portion abutting the pleura, nodule size, solid portion size, solid proportion, interface length, and length of the solid portion contacting the pleura (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed pleural contact (p < 0.001), pleural thickening (p = 0.003), solid proportion greater than 50% (p = 0.002), and nodule size greater than 20 mm (p = 0.015) as significant independent predictive features for VPI with adjusted odds ratios of 8.300, 3.966, 4.636, and 2.993, respectively. CONCLUSION. In part-solid nodules, the CT features of pleural contact, pleural thickening, solid proportion greater than 50%, and nodule size greater than 20 mm were shown to be significant indicators of VPI by T1-sized peripheral adenocarcinomas.
- 0361-803X
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