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카드뮴, 납, 구리에 대한 슬래그의 흡착특성평가 : Assessment of Sorption Behavior on Slag Against Heavy Metals
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2008-06
- Publisher
- 한국지반공학회
- Citation
- 한국지반공학회논문집, Vol.24 No.6, pp.17-35
- Abstract
- Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) technology can be applied to contaminated groundwater remediation. It is necessary to select adequate reactive material according to contaminant characterization in groundwater. In this research, the reaction between reactive material and heavy metal contaminants was estimated through batch test. Reactive material was slag, which has been produced in Gwangyang power plant, and heavy metal contaminants were cadmium, lead and copper. Batch test consisted of two testes: 1) sorption equilibrium test and 2) sorption kinetic test. Sorption equilibrium test was performed for estimating slag sorption capacity against contaminants. And sorption kinetic test was performed for slag sorption rate with contaminants species, contaminants initial concentration and sulfate. Sorption capacity and sorption rate were affected by contaminant species. Sorption rate increased with increasing initial concentration in lead and copper but decreased with increasing initial concentration in cadmium. Sorption rate increased in existing sulfate. In low concentration, film diffusion was domain mechanism, and in high concentration, particle diffusion was domain mechanism.
- 1229-2427
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