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한국 뇌졸중 자료은행에 등록된 10,811명의 급성기 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자 분석: 병원기반 다의료기관 전향적 자료등록 연구 : Analysis of 10,811 Cases with Acute Ischemic Stroke from Korean Stroke Registry: Hospital-Based Multicenter Prospective Registration Study
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2006
- Publisher
- 대한신경과학회
- Citation
- 대한신경과학회지, Vol.24 No.6, pp.535-543
- Abstract
- Background: Although several hospital-based stroke studies were published, there has not been any reliable data representing the clinical characteristics of stroke in Korea. We analyzed the clinical characteristics of patients with ischemic stroke registered in the Korean Stroke Registry (KSR), which is the largest prospective hospital-based nation-wide stroke registry in Korea.
Methods: The KSR provided standardized protocols for collecting data, which includes the data of demographics, subtypes of stroke, risk factors, and neurological outcome at discharge. The brain imaging studies, including CT or MRI, were performed in all cases.
Results: KSR registered 10,811 patients of acute ischemic stroke between Nov. 2002 and Jun. 2004. The large-artery atherosclerosis was the most common subtype (37.3%), followed by small vessel occlusion (30.8%). Hypertension (65.4%) was the most common risk factor, followed by smoking (34.5%) and diabetes (28.3%). Although most of the hypertensive and diabetic patients had been diagnosed before the stroke, less than 45.4% and 32.5% of them were under regular control. The steno-occlusive lesion of extracranial carotid artery was only 29.3% and the ratio of intra- to extracranial artery disease was more than 2 in KSR. Only 20.5% of patients were admitted within 3 hours after stroke onset and 2.1% were treated with intravenous thrombolysis. In-hospital case-fatality was 5.2%, which is relatively comparable to those of previous studies.
Conclusions: The KSR provided informative data in understanding the clinical characteristics of ischemic stroke in Korea. Further analysis of KSR will facilitate clinical trials and development of guidelines for the management of stroke patients.
- 1225-7044
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