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『숲사람들』의 양식 실험 : Literary Experiments in Thomas Hardys The Woodlanders

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서울대학교 인문대학 인문학연구원
인문논총, Vol.51, pp. 79-103
토마스 하디숲사람들멜로드라마목가사실주의비극
To evaluate experiments of different literary modes in Thomas Hardys
The Woodlanders will contribute to a fuller understanding of the novel and
of Hardys later fictional development as well. This paper aims to analyze
pastoral and melodramatic elements we find in the text, and to prove how
Hardy succeeds in manipulating these two conventional modes for creating
a life-like portrait of Hintocks social life.
Melodramatic elements we see in Graces reconciliation with her
husband, Edred Fitzpiers, have often been taken as anti-climatic flaws, but
on closer examination we find them to be effective means for depicting
Graces precarious life on the borderline. Despite her heartfelt mourning
over her dead lover, Giles Winterbourne, Grace is finally won over to her
estranged husbands side. However, Hardy shows the limitations of Grace-
Fitzpiers by introducing melodramatic mode that exactly corresponds to the
couples narrow outlooks on life, which, in turn, strengthens dominant
realistic mode portraying tragic clashes between opposing ways of life.
It is hard to deny that the demise of the world of Giles-Marty is rendered with certain notes of elegiac pastoral, but roles of pastoral elements in the
novel are much more complex and delicate. When Grace was separated
from her husband, pastoral diction and troupes dramatize her romantic
idealization of Giles which is not completely false but far from being trueto-
life. What is more important, with the aid of modified pastoral
atmospheres, the common peoples labouring reality is vividly foregrounded
against the upper-class ethos of Grace-Fitzpiers, which leads to Hardys
most impressive poetic achievements in his fiction. In conclusion, we can
say that literary experiments employing different modes — pastoral,
melodrama, comedy, and realism — in The Woodlanders contribute to
presenting a truly Sophoclean tragedy of Hintock people as the narrator
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