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동시대의 "순례"와 "성지"에 대한 고찰 : Discussion on Contemporary "Pilgrimage" and "Sacred Place"

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서울대학교 종교학연구회
종교학연구, Vol.27, pp. 35-66
modern pilgrimagereligious tourismsacred placepower placecommodification of placesacred LandscapeNew AgeSedona
The pilgrimage undergoes changes in the modern world, while
the popularity of pilgrimage is increasing and sacred site grows
in number. Whereas in traditional societies pilgrimages were
under control of established religions to a great degree and
accordingly. their sacred places were interwoven with the sacred
world-view or history of the traditional religion in question.
modern pilgrimages are often performed independent of a certain
religious tradition as New Age pilgrimage shows.
At first, this paper took Sedona (Arizona. in the US). the
Mecca of New Age, as an example to follow the process through
which an unknown region was turned into a sacred place of an
alternative religious movement called New Age and a popular
tourist goal as well. In addition, the activities of Dahn World. a
Korean ki-training enterprise. in Sedona were scrutinized.
especially their appropriation and reinterpretation of this sacred
region as the sacred place of their own and their following
marketing of this place as an optimal place for spiritual growth.
At the second part of this paper. recent academic discussions on
"pilgrimage" and "the sacred" were introduced. in search of a
productive theoretical model for the present theme. Eventually,
"situational" model which presupposes that sacred places are
constructed under concrete sociocultural and economic condition
even intentionally. was positively evaluated. For this model
demands researchers to focus on the complex situation under
which a certain phenomena called "pilgrimage" appears and goes
through the changes.
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