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Biological Behavior of the Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor : 원시신경외배엽종양의 생물학적 행태

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

Wang, Kyu Chang; Chi, Je G.; Cho, Byung-Kyu; Choi, Kil Soo

Issue Date
Seoul National University College of Medicine
Seoul J Med, Vol.29 No.3, pp. 293-303
Primitive neuroectodermal tumorSeeding along the CSF pathwayWhole neuraxis irradiation
The authors analyzed 10 cases of primitive neuroectodermal tumors, excluding
medulloblastoma, pineoblastoma, ependymoblastoma and central neuroblastoma, operated
from January 1980 to March 1988. These tumors comprised 5.8'1c, (9/156) of total pediatric
(age< 16) brain tumors in the authors' series. Of the 10 cases, symptoms of increased
intracranial pressure were noted in 9 cases, focal neurological deficits in 5 cases. One case
showed seizures only. Computerized tomography findings were characteristic. A large mass
of mixed density containing cystic areas with strong enhancement of the solid portion suggested
this tumor.
In all of the 6 cases, who had surgical removals with or without the irradiation of the brain,
the tumor recurred and 4 of them showed seeding along the pathway of the cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) in spite of the radical removal of the tumor in 2 of the cases. On the other hand,
2 cases, who had surgical removal and whole neuraxis irradiation, with or without chemotherapy,
remained disease free 18 and 4 months after surgery.
Although the experiences are limited, the whole neuraxis irradiation is considered to be
mandatory for the prevention of the seeding along the CSF pathway. And the authors
experienced an encouraging result of the management of this malignant tumor with more
aggressive treatment modalities.
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