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A Study of the Chemical Constituents of Gymnosparm pollens

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

Chung, Hong Keun; Lee, Ki Yung

Issue Date
서울대학교 의과대학
Seoul J Med, Vol.18 No.2, pp. 125-136
An attempt was made to reassess the nucleic
acid contents of pollen materials in this paper,
dealing with 6 species of gymnosperm, including 5 species of Pinus and one Gingko species, and
one Alnus species of angiosperm as comparison.
The starch, water soluble sugar and free amino
acid patterns in pollens were examined as well
as their lipid compositions and fatty acid patterns
of saponified lipids.
Results obtained are summarized as follows:
1. The DNA content was around 0.05% on
dry weight basis of pollen in 5 species of Pinus.
Gingko pollen, however, contained about 3
times as much DNA as in Pinus and Alnus
[aponica O. 3%. The discussion was made in
relation to the higher DNA content in Gingko
pollen. The RNA content comprised ranging
from 0.8% to 1. 02% in 5 species of Pinus,
while 3.73% in gingko and 0.72% in A. [aponica,
indicating exceptionally high RNA content
in Gingko pollen.
2. The soluble carbohydrate content in pollen
ranged from 11.4% to 16.2%. The pollen starch
content varied with a narrow range of 2. 53.5%
in 3 species of Pinaceae, but as much as
7.0% in P. koraiensis and as low as low as 0.6
% in P. aurescens. It is noticeable that no
starch was detectable in Gingko pollen.
3. The nitrogen content of frce amino acids
of pollens comprised 0.38% to 0.51% in 5
species of Pinaceae, while 0.97% and 0.64%
in Gingko and A. [aponica, respectively.
4. The total lipid content was in the range
of 3.87% to 6.28% in Pinus pollens and 2.39
% in Gingko and A. [aponica., The free fatly
acid content was variable from 0.13% to 2.0%
in Pinus and 0.26% in Gingko and as low as
0.06% in A. [aponica. The bound and free
sterol content of pollens varied considerably
O. 3~1. 66% and 0.09-0.2%, respectively and
the ratio of bound sterol to free one ranged from
1. 5% to 12.7%, indicating more bound form
than free one.
5. The gas chromatograms detected 8 fatty acids in both genera Pinus and Alnus and 11
ones in Gingko, though 7 to 10 fatty acids were
identified. The major fatty acids are palmitic
acid(25. 0-28.1%), oleic acid(29. 8-41, 5%) and
linoleic acid (24.9-33.5%) in Pinus species,
while palmitic acid 19.3%, linoleic acid 42.6%,
linolenic acid 11%, behenic acid 14% in Gingko,
and palmitic acid 11. 6%, oleic acid 16.5%,
linoleic acid 43.4%, linolenic acid 26.8% in
Alnus [aponica. It is noteworthy that much
higher linolenic acid was contained in Gingko
pollen with lower oleic acid, as compared with
those of Pinaceae, and behenic acid occurred
only in Gingko.
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