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한국 주요 정신질환의 발생빈도 실태 조사 : An Epidemiological Survey of Major Mental Disorders in a rural Korea
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Web of Science
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 1980-03
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 의과대학
- Citation
- Seoul J Med, Vol.21 No.1, pp. 69-75
- Abstract
- In July and August 1979. an epidemiological
survey was conducted using the census visit method
in order to determine the prevalence rate and ecological
aspects of 5 major mental illnesses (schizoph·
renia, manic·depressive illness, epilepsy, mental
retardation and senile psychosis) in Ko·Jae Island
where the total population was 112. 782.
Following results were obtained:
}. The prevalence rate for schizophrenia. manic-depressive
illness, epilepsy. mental retardation and
senile psychosis were O. 14%. 0.013%. O. 10%. O. 10
%. 0.03% of population respectively.
2. 65.6% of schizophrenics. 66.7% of rnanic-depressive
illness patients and 76.9% of epileptics had
suffered for more than 5 years.
3. The mixed body type was dominant in number
both in schizophrenia and manic·depressive illness.
4. The familial history was found in 13.0% of
schizophrenics and 26.7% of manic-depressive illness
5. In therapy. 49.1% of epileptics take anticonvulsant
and 37% of schizophrenics and 33. 3% of manicdepressive
illness patients were left alone without
custodial cares.
- 0582-6802
- Language
- Korean
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