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이베로아메리카 영화산업의 초국가적 연대 양상 : Transnational Alliance among Iberoamerican Countries in Film Industry
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2007-12-30
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소(SNUILAS)
- Citation
- Revista Iberoamericana, Vol.18, pp. 181-203
- Keywords
- Spanish Film Industry ; Latin American Film Industry ; Globalization ; 스페인 영화산업 ; 라틴아메리카 영화산업 ; 세계화
- Abstract
- As we know, weakening of the conceptual unities of nation states is one of the most important changes that the globalization has brought. In film industry where the US global dominance is most distinguishable, transnational cooperation among countries of a same region would be the best way for survival of national cinemas. To compete with US films whose medium cost of production usually reaches around one hundred million dollars, the films of the other nations have increased their production budget and therefore they come to need more expanded market to compensate the production cost. This is the case found in Iberoamerican countries. To protect their national cinemas against US films, Spanish & Portuguese speaking world has cooperated through many ways. Governmental endeavors have led the creation of IBERMEDIA programme which has functioned as a catalyst for many ransnational co-produced film project in the region. Now private investment is exceeding public support. In addition film festivals take important role in imaging Iberoamerican film a conceptual unity. With all these supports in public realm, film makers of the region more and more tend to carry out their film project as transnational work. In fact, the ratio of co-production in most of Iberoamerican countries has increased signifincantly. This Iberoamerican case shows that the center-periphery paradigm of 'cultural imperialism' model can not explain complex and overlapping phenomena of cultural logics of Globalization.
- 1598-7779
- Language
- Korean
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