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Housing policy model and policy directions for Korea

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

Suh, Byong Key

Issue Date
Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University
Korean Journal of Policy Studies, Vol.8, pp. 141-152
Hosing policy can be a response to various kinds of factors such as the nature
and the scope of the housing problem, the economic, technological and social
resources available. Thus, housing policies are very different as between different
countries. Yet, there is no accepted model for the application of the ultimate policy
objectives. The purpose of this paper is to review the Korean housing policies and
to propose the policy directions.
There are four types of housing policy model: ideological, economic, social, and
political approach model. In Korea, housing policies have been formulated dominantly
by the central government. And the central government distributes housing
resources according to the government initiated plans, which is considered as typical
approach of developing countries. In other words, housing resources are allocated
by the central plannings. In that sense, housing policy model of Korea is
totally distinct from the other countries. In this paper, housing policy model of
Korea is difined as "Government Initiated Planning Model."
It is important to have a clear, well defined policy model in order to cope with
housing problems effectively and to provide policy directions. In other words, indepth
discussion should be made regarding to the various type of policy model.
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