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인삼이 간세포 약물대사효소의 활성도에 미치는 영향 : The Effect of Ginseng Saponin on the Activity of Hepatic Microsomal Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme System in Mouse
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 1976-03
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 의과대학
- Citation
- Seoul J Med, Vol.17 No.1, pp. 56-61
- Abstract
- A study was carried out to observe the influence
of gins(:ng on the activity of microsomal drug-metabolizing
enzyme system in mOUS2 liver.
GiJ1s,~ng saponin fraction, when given to male
-dult C;;IJf mice for 7 days in the dosages of 10 mg
ikg and lOOmg/kg, stimulated the metabolism of
zoxaz olami nc by the l i vcr 9000 Xg supernatant, but
it did not affect the rate of pentobarbital metabolism.
The duration of zoxazolami nc paralvsis as
"...·ell as panto barbital hypnosis in the intact animal,
however, somewhat shortened by ginseng saponin.
It was found that pretreatment of mouse with
ginseng saponin caused an increase in the activity
of hepatic microsomal enzyme system which metabolizes
zoxazolamine and was paralled in vivo by
a shortened duration of zoxazolamine paralysis.
The ability of ginseng saponin to shorten the duration
of pentobarbital hypnosis in the intact mice
was not paralled by a pentobarbital metabolism by
the liver 9000X g supernatant. 1t can not be excluded
from this point that the central stimulant effect
of ginseng may functionally antagonize the
hypnotic action of pentobarbital.
- 0582-6802
- Language
- Korean
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