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중앙아시아 고려인의 고본질 : Gobonjil of Koreans in Central Asia

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백태현; 이애리아

Issue Date
서울대학교 비교문화연구소
비교문화연구, Vol.6 No.1, pp. 63-131
The specific agricultural form, which is different from those of the ordinary in Central Asia, is popular in the Korean society there. It is called Gobonjil. Gobonjil occurred within the former Soviet Union after the second world war. Although it has unlawful factors that cannot coexist together with the collective agricultural production system, Gobonjil has been spread widely.

It has still played an important socio-economic role in the Korean society after the independence of every country in Central Asia.

Gobonjil has formed the material basis of Korean society during the era of the former Soviet Union after the forced migration, and it helped Korean society gain the socio-economic status.

Therefore, it is impossible to understand the life of Koreans living in Central Asia without knowing Gobonjil.

Gobonjil is utilized as a tool of cumulating the economic wealth of Korean. Regardless of the lawfulness, it was the only way to earn high income by the private agricultural form during the period of the former Soviet Union. Each family may earn higher income in Gobonjil than that in the collective farming system. Of course, they cannot always do so.

Koreans used the income earned by Gobonjil to purchase house or automobile, education or wedding for children, and capitals for business. Gobonjil has its own special agricultural system and history. It attracts our interests in such respect that it is a capitalistic production form generated in the socialistic production system.

Also, socialistic production factor is functioning in Gobonjil until after the collapse of socialistic system. Gobonjil is a typical new agricultural production system that consolidates both collective socialistic agricultural production system and capitalistic farming of small farmers whose

primary goal is the maximization of private income.

Since Gobonjil contains such several complex factors as the background of the former Soviet Union, the circumstances of each country after the independence of Central Asia, the natural conditions and agricultural environments of product regions, and marketing and circulation structure

of product regions, and so on, it has very important historical meaning in Korean society.
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