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미야꼬(宮古) 이라부초(伊良部町)의 서정민요 아야구(アヤグ) 특성 : The Characteristic of Lyric Folk Song 'Ayagu' in Miyaggo Erabuchyo

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서울대학교 비교문화연구소
비교문화연구, Vol.7 No.1, pp. 227-258
오키나와 현 미야꼬군(宮古那) 이라부초(伊良部때)는 하나의 섬으로 독특한 문화를 형성하고 다른 지역과는 다른 자신들만의 민요를 가지고 있었다. 민요는 누가 처음 만들었는지 모르지만 사람들 사이에서 불려져 자신들의 노래로 인식되고 있다.

섬을 형성하는 두 문화의 특성은 농업지역과 어업지역의 두 갈래로 나뉜다. 농업을 위주로 하는 남구(南歐) 이라부(伊良部)지구로는 이라부(伊良部), 나까치(仲地), 구니나까(國中), 나까하마(長浜), 사와다(佐和田)지역과, 수산업을 위주로 생계를 삼는 북구(北歐) 사라하마(住良浜)지구인 이께마조에(池間添,イケマゾエ)와 마에쟈또조에(前里添, マエヅャトゾエ)가 있다.

민요에 있어서 이라부 지역과 사라하마 지역은 서로 다른 양상을 보이고 있다. 그 원인은 생업에 따른 것도 있지만 특히 사라하마 이께마조에(池間添)는 원래 이께마지마(池間島)에서 건너 온 민족으로 자신들 민족에 대한 자부심이 강하여 전통을 간직하고 전수하고 있고, 또한 사라하마 지역은 남방어업이 성행하여 파푸아 뉴기니아, 파라오, 솔로몬 제도 쪽으로 출어하여 많은 어획고를 올리고 있는데 그들 언어 사용에 있어서 외부세계의 영향을 받아 변화되었다고 한다.

A folk song handed down in the Irabu area, Miyakko Gun, Okkinawa Hyun, Japan is a living organism, and has still vividly been singing by the local people. Songs exploded with strong emotion of individual have formed sympathy, and have been singing by many people. The type is classified with two things. One is a ceremony song with an incantatory function in which people perform a ritual praying for rain. The other is a playing song in which young people dance and sing a song all together.

They call their song 'Ayagu' because of its 'beauty'. The dancing with Ayagu is called 'Guicha' or 'Koichya'. Though Eyagu with the Guichya Odori has the story for the progress of a ceremony, the story of strong emotion of individual is taken most parts.

Also 'Guichyaayagu' or 'Ganasyagama' for the entertainment and playing performed in an event of 'Miyakkojjeucheu' express honestly the emotion of love between man and woman. People living in an island express the function of playing and the utilization! of songs through the words of a song. Therefore, they regard the songs as making the heart and the mind clear, and they also regard it as something to devote to God praying for rain, and something to sing a song for the lover.

Despite of its historical background of invasion and control by Syacheuma, there are lots of bright songs. It is optimistic on the life, and has a peaceful image to loves their own islands. In the songs to express the love, the mind to miss the lover, the waiting mind and the expressions of sensual love appear remarkably. Besides, there are the songs to recommend the obedience to parents on their thankfulness and to encourage the love between family members. Most of songs express the poetical idea using the nature or objective objects. With the visible and objective expressions, it can feel in the direct sense.

As the daily life of human is sung with the assimilative emotion on the principle of nature, the understanding of life is reconcile and optimistic. As long as they regard their song as 'beautiful' and love them, Eyagu, which their common emotion was sung, would be possible to continually pass down.
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