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우리나라의 구급치료에 관한 고찰 - 특히 신찬구급 간이방을 중심으로 : A Study on the Emergency Treatments in Korean Classical Medicine -Particularly on Revised Synopsis of Emergency Treatments-

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서울대학교 의과대학
Seoul J Med, Vol.8 No.4, pp. 55-60
In olden days of Korea the government published, as
a kind of public -healths activity, medical books for
those living in rural secluded areas where no medical
man was available.
In the medical books thus published are included seven
kinds of handbooks on emergency treatments. Most of
them, however, have been lost or are now in the custody
of the Japanese authorities.
As to "Revised Synopsis of Emergency Treatments,"
we are fortunate to have found the 1st and 6th volume
in Korea out of the whole 8 volumes and to be able
to survey, though roughly, what was the emergency
treatments in those days.
The 1st volume consists of the general table of con.
tents and the treatments on apolpexic crisis, sudden interrupion
of respiration, high fever and so on which endanger
human life. In the 6th volume are lined up the
treatments in cases that men swallowed foreign bodies
or are sticken by them and that men are bitten by
wild or domestic beasts and others.
Looking around the general contents, in this handbook
are mostly described on medical, surgical, gynetocological
and pediatric diseases and a little bit on E.
N.T., ophthalmological and dental diseases, all of which
are those customarily seen in our daily lives.
For the treatments were applied mostly the simple
remedies which were easily obtainable. The treatments.
for apoplexic crisis, sudden interuption of respiration,
high fever are unreasonable and miscellaneous. However,.
in cases of drawning and trauma they knew through
experiences the treatments and drugs which seem to be
comparatively effective.
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