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근대 계몽기 어문교육 연구의 특성 -근대 계몽기 학술 잡지를 중심으로- : The study on the charactersitics of Korean language education research in the period of Modern Enlightenment
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2003
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 국어교육연구소
- Citation
- 국어교육연구, Vol.11, pp. 411-455
- Keywords
- Korean language education research in the period of Modern Enlightenment ; A learned journal in the period of Modern Enlightenment ; study about teacher trainging ; reserach of reading education ; reserach of writing education
- Abstract
- The purpose of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of Korean language education research in the period of Modern Enlightenment by means of examining the learned journal in the period of Modern Enlightenment Because the learned journal was written by Korean students studying in Japan, it held the Modem Science imported from Western civilization So the translation of western modem science got a majority in Korean language education research in the period of Modern Enlightenment
Korean language education research in the period of Modern Enlightenment was related to the advent of the study about teacher training as Modern Science. It indicates that the education research in the period of Modem Enlightenment was focused on teacher training, namely elementary knowledge and methodology necessary for teaching the new science.
Korean language education research's details is the reserach of reading education and the reserach of writing education. The advent of modern concept about reading and writing brought about the methodology of reading and writing.
It was considered the method of reading important because the beginning of reading strarted from the choice among much knowedge of modern science. It was focused on raising comprehension using background knowelge and memory for ability of reading.
It was considered the inner description as the modern concept of writing, so the goal of writing education was proposed to bring up the aesthetic sense. It came to the front the composition and rhetoric in method of writing.
- 1227-8823
- Language
- Korean
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