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소설은 깨달음과 의식개혁의 원동력:『요란한 잡음』을 근거로 : The Power of Expanding Consciousness and Awakening: Based on White Noise
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Web of Science
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2006
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 미국학연구소
- Citation
- 미국학, Vol.29, pp. 1-37
- Keywords
- 돈 디릴로우(Don DeLillo) ; 『요란한 잡음』(White Noise) ; 죽음의 공포(fear of death) ; 히틀러학(Hitler Studies) ; 과학과 기술(science and technology) ; 깨달음(awakening) ; 의식개혁(consciousness expansion)
- Abstract
- This paper examines Don DeLilIos philosophy and warning embodied in White Noise. We should devise the best way to transcend white noise," which has become a terribly destructive force to human existence in contemporary American society. White noise -- an unholy trinity of radio, TV, and tabloids — is a cultural logic and means employed by our capitalistic society to raise and control a false consciousness. White noise has confused, adulterated, and overwhelmed the mind of Jack Gladney, hero of the novel, who represents us. Gladney, professor and chairman of Hitler Studies department, despises and denies the rational and universal in his life and study. He admires Hitler and follows Hitlers dictatorial philosophy. Gladney has no interest in self-knowledge and sεIf-realization, but pays utmost attention to social status, authority, wealth, and conspicuous coηsumption. White noise has deprived him of individuality, independence, confidence, creativity, and community spirit. He has become a dogmatic, negative, dependent, egoistic, and inflexible man. However, he is much satisfied with his affluent living and achievement in Hitler studies, and in his satisfaction, he acutely fears his own mortality. He tries to prolong his life on Hitler and technology but in vain. Finally, he awakes from the illusion that he can overcome death, learns that life and death are one, and accepts his mortality. By expanding consciousness and searching for identity, Gladney can actualize and maximize his learning and acceptance. The best way to transcend white noise is liberation from a false self and awakening.
- 1229-4381
- Language
- Korean
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