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朝鮮後期 鹽의 生産과 流通에 關한 硏究 - 漢江流域을 중심으로 : The Production and Trade of Salt in the Later Choson Dynasty (1392-1910) - A Case Study of Han River Basin-
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 1992
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 국토문제연구소
- Citation
- 지리학논총, Vol.19, pp. 29-47
- Abstract
- Salt is irreplaceable necessaries, Since it is used regularly by all people as both a seasoning and a preservative, its annual consumption and trade is largely predictable.
This study, taking Han River basin in the later Choson Dynasty for example, examined salt products in the kyonggi Bay and salt trade in the Han River Basin.
Research areas are Kyonggi Bay and Han River Basin. As investigation method, historical record investigation, old map analysis, and toponym were employed. Main materials and data were historical records, old maps, statistical data in the early Japanese Imperialism.
The results of findings are as follows :
First, the Kyonggi Bay regions accounted for about 31,260ton, 20percent of total national salt production. This salt was transported by way of intermediation of Rogak(旅閣) from the ports near saltworks to Map'o near Seoul by merchants of the royal capital(京江船商) and local bumboatmen (地土船商).
Second, the regional distribution center was Shijeon(市廛) before the King of Yongcho and the King of Chongcho(the 17-18 century). But commerce developed, the regional distribution center was transferred to Map'o where Rogak(旅閣) acted. This change made Ch'ilpae(七牌), Yihyeon(梨峴), Jongru(鐘樓) and Son-gp'a(松坡) the new regional distribution cernters.
Third, salt consumption in the Nam-han River basin was about 7,834tons, 26 percent of salt producted in the Kyonggi Bay. This salt was transported to the river ports of middle and upper part of the Nam-han River by merchants of the royal capital and local bumboatmen(Rogak(旅閣). Rogak(旅閣) accepted the transported salt and storaged it in salt storehouses. After thism by their intermediations it was delivered to peddlers and was mountainous regions bt A-frame(Chige), packsaddles and oxcarts. The population of Puk-han River basin had less than that of the Nam-han River basin . The salt trade of the Puk-han river basin accounted for only about 10 percent of salt products in the Kyeong Bay. Unlike the Nam-han River basin, unperiodic markets of the river ports didn't exist in the Puk-han River basin, and there salt was dealt at the periodic markets on the river ports.
fourth, at the unnavigable upstream part of the Han River, it was difficult for local inhabitants to purchase salt. As usual, two methods was employed. One was that they vartered cereals for salt at the navigable ports. It was employed in P'yongchang and Inje. The other was that they walked for 2-3dats and vartered cereals for salt at the saltworks on the coast of East Sea(Sea of Japan). This method was employed in Inje and Chongson.
Fifth, the market area of salt produced on the coast of West Sea(Yellow Sea) and East Sea(Sea of Japan) varies in time. In the earlier times, In the upstream from Danyang to toungwol, Wonju and Hoengseong, Yanggu and Inje eastern coast-slat was supplied, But in the later times, owing to the developmetn of waterway, these regions was supplied with western coast-salt.
- 1226-5888
- Language
- Korean
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