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서울시 백화점의 지역별 특성과 소비자 구매행태 : The Regional Characteristics of Department Stores and the Consumer' s Shopping Behavior in Seoul

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서울대학교 국토문제연구소
지리학논총, Vol.27, pp. 111-130
도시공간구조도시기능백화점지역별 특성소비자 구매행태지역별 계층성Urban Spatial StructureUrban FunctionDepartment StoreRegional CharacteristicsConsumer Shopping BehaviorHierarchy
This study is derived from a viewpoint that the location of urban function is a most basic step of urban spatial structure. The purpose of this study is to understand how Department stores, which play a commercial role on a large scale, appeared in urban spatial structure of Seoul. For this purpose, the subject of this paper is Department stores which are enrolled in the Department of Trade and Industry of Seoul. This paper clarified regional change of distribution, regional characteristics on the basis of Seoul spatial structure's hierarchy(C.B.D., Subcenter, Outer region) and whether this regional hierarchy is reflected in the consumer's shopping behavior. The major findings of this study are as follows. 1. In the growth of the complex retail store, Department stores have grown lastingly for about 60 years and are given much weight in Seoul but now we can see large Department stores beginning to locate in the provinces through the fact that the relative weight of Seoul has decreased by degrees since 1990. 2. After the 1930' s, when the first Department store was established in Seoul, the distribution of Department stores in Seoul was concentrated in C.B.D. up to the 1970' s. Since the beginning of the 1980' s, Department stores have increased in Suchogu . Kangnamgu, and the consumer's use of Department stores has become popularized. From 1988, Department stores appeared in the Outer region, and have grown during the 1990' s. Now Department stores in Seoul which are geared with spread of residential district development are distributed hierarchially in C.B.D., Subcenter, Outer region.
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