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서양인들이 관찰한 조선의 모습들(제3회): 청일전쟁 발발 직전으로부터 조선의 망국까지의 시기 : Chosun as Seen by Westerners (Series No.3): From the Outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War until the Fall of Chosun

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서울대학교 한국정치연구소
한국정치연구, Vol.18 No.3, pp. 227-294
캐번디시밀른비숍커즌폰 브란트이노우에묄렌도르프알렌샌즈로제티분쉬매켄지런던그렙스트헐버트래드게일Alfred Edward John CavendishLuise Jordan MilnIsabella BishopGeorge Nathaniel CurzonMax von BrandtInoue GakugoroPaul Georg von MöllendorffHorace Newton AllenWilliam Sands Carlo RossettiRichard WunschFrank Arthur McKenzieJack LondonWilliam Daniel Ason GrebstHomer Bazaleel HulbertGeorge Trumbell LaddJames Scarth Gale
이 문헌조사는 청일전쟁 발발 직전으로부터 조선의 국권상실까지의 16년의 시기에 조선을 관찰한 서양인들이 기록들을 설명하고자 한다. 그 기록들에 조선이 어떻게 비쳤던가를 주로 정치학적 관점에서 살피고자 한다.

This article reviews books or articles written by Westerners, who studied Chosun or visited Chosun, from the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1894 until the fall of Chosun. Their observations may be summed up as follows:

1.Most of them viewed that because Korea is surrounded by the continental powers and the oceanic power, it had been repeatedly invaded by powerful countries and its influence still exists even today. Koreans belong to Mongol, and they are differentiated from the Japanese and the Chinese. Koreans have their own unique history, culture and alphabet.
2. Most of them believed that Korea is a very mountainous country with a lot of beautiful streams, but the regions where people reside are very dirty and filthy. compared to very few ruling class live in a house with roofing tiles, majority of non-ruling class live in mud huts along with insects. The non-ruling class lives a very filthy and unsanitary life. These living conditions resulted in transmitted diseases such as smallpox and cholera. Majority of the people do not eat meat and milk.
3. Many have pointed out that Korea is a very superstitious country, and that everyone from the very poor to the royal family is devoted to superstition. The only so-called religion that exists in this country is shamanism. Lacking science and technology, Koreans generally depend on superstition to treat the diseases. Not only the loyal family, but even the commons spend a lot of money on superstition.
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