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<三國遺事> 소재 <調信>의 교과서 번역 검토 : Review on the Translation of
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- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2014-06
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원
- Citation
- 한국문화, Vol.66, pp. 109-146
- Keywords
- Classical literary works ; Samgukyusa(三國遺事) ; Cho Shin(調信) ; translation ; paraphrasing(潤文) ; literature text books
- Abstract
- 바람직한 문학교육의 기본은 좋은 문학작품을 선정하여 학습자들에게 적절한 언어로 번역한 후 그들의 유의미한 성장에 기여할 수 있는 감상의 가교를 놓아주는 것이다. 특히 고전문학은 언어의 문제에서부터 작품이 산출된 역사적 지반의 영역에 이르기까지 지금과는 상이한 배경을 갖고 있어 이러한 작업이 반드시 이루어져야 한다. 교육 현장에서 고전문학 작품을 대하는 교사와 학생들은 가장 먼저 한글 고어라는 문자 체계의 상이함과 한문이라는 문자 자체로 인한 해독의 난해함으로 어려움을 겪는다. 특히 한문으로 되어 있는 작품은 이를 우리말로 번역하여 제공하지 않으면 아예 접근하기조차 어려운 실정이다.
The basics of desirable literature education is to select good literaty works, translate them and then build a bridge of appreciation that contributes to their significant growth. Especially because classical literature has different background in various aspects from language issue to historical base that produced a literary work, these kind of works must be conducted. To make right education on the classical literaty works written in Chinese, they should be, first of all, translated properly as to transfer the meaning and nuance of the characters themselves or their implications in the original texts so that they may be easily accepted by contemporary students. On top of this, some degree of paraphrasing should be carried out according to academic level of middle and high school students. Only when text books contain the literaty materials that have gone through such process strictly, they might have a foundation to understand and appreciate them correctly. This paper reviewed, on 〈Cho Shin(調信)〉, a literary material of 『Samgukyusa(三國遺事)』, an issue whether the translations of the litermy works contained in text books satisfied such requirements. The result showed not so much error in the translation of 〈Cho Shin(調信)〉. However, there were not so little part that did not translate them correctly enough to fully reveal the meanings of original texts nor trim the contents to be well understood by students. Particularly, there were many parts deemed to be wrongly described from the viewpoints of context or logic. Considering the fact that such translation of the literary works can hinder teachers and students to read smoothly and understand or appreciate them delicately, this is an important issue that they should be revised or complemented.
- 1226-8356
- Language
- Korean
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