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栗谷 李珥의 <東湖問答>과 君臣論 : Yi Yi's Dongho mundap and Theory of Monarch and Subjects

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서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원
한국문화, Vol.75, pp. 197-232
Dongho mundap(東湖問答, Catechism at Eastern Lake)theory of monarch and subjects(君臣論)Yulgok Yi Yi(栗谷 李珥)governance of three generations(三代之治)mutual contentment between monarch and subjects(君臣相得)流俗(conventionalists)眞儒(true literati)subject who exercises unjust power(權臣)Jo Gwang-jo(趙光祖)東湖問答君臣論栗谷 李珥三代之治君臣相得流俗眞儒權臣趙光祖
선조 2년(1569) 9월, 홍문관 교리 이이가 讀書堂의 月課로 제출한 은 향후 그가 지속적으로 제출하는 각종 개혁론의 청사진이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 에 대한 탐구는 이이 개혁론의 전모를 규명하기 위한 기초 작업이 된다. 나아가 에서 이이가 제시하는 개혁의 목표와 방법은 선조 대 초반에 상호 경쟁하고 갈등하였던 여러 정치세력 간에 교차점과 분기점이 어디에 있었는가를 잘 보여준다. 그렇기에 의 연구는 종종 오해되거나 여전히 모호한, 이 시기의 정국을 이해하는 중요한 실마리를 발견하는 작업이기도 하다. 지금까지 에 대한 연구는 주로 이이의 개혁론 전반을 논하는 가운데 부분적·단편적으로 언급되는 경우가 많았다. 그 중요성에도 불구하고 막상 을 단독으로 다룬 연구는 드물었다.
The Dongho mundap (東湖問答, Catechism at Eastern Lake) presented by Yi Yi in September of the 2nd year of King Seonjo's reign is a work that served as a blueprint for his reforms. Previous studies of the Dongho mundap have been limited by their overarching focus on the interpretation of the texts and annotations found throughout the entire work. However, this study concludes that the core assertions of the work can be found in the first half of Dongho mundap. This study also departs from existing studies in that the interpretation of Yi Yi's assertions is based on the prevailing historical and political contexts. In the first half of his work, Yi Yi reviewed the relationship between monarch and subjects throughout the history of China and Joseon, and sought to express the political 'goal' that Joseon should pursue and the essential 'method' which should be used to achieve the goals. First, the 'goal' was the 'recovery of the governance of three generations (三代之治') to counter what Yi saw as being made necessary by the meritorious subjects' lack of the sincere belief and practical will that he and the members of the reform group possessed. This was a strong criticism of the meritorious subjects blocking the reforms of the time. Next, the 'method' involved a power structure based on mutual contentment between monarch and subjects (君臣相得). Yi Yi regarded that the reform group should grasp the power to recover the governance of three generations. This already contained the cause of internal conflicts within the reform group, which were exposed with the reform group was spilt into the Eastern and Western parties in the future. Both parties agreed on the 'goal' while exhibiting different opinions on the 'method'.
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