Detailed Information
Proximate composition, and L-carnitine and betaine contents in meat from Korean indigenous chicken
Cited 16 time in
Web of Science
Cited 16 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2015-12
- Publisher
- 아세아·태평양축산학회
- Citation
- Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences (AJAS), Vol.28 No.12, pp.1760-1766
- Abstract
- This study investigated the proximate composition and L-carnitine and betaine content of meats from 5 lines of Korean indigenous chicken (KIC) for developing highly nutritious meat breeds with health benefits from the bioactive compounds such as L-carnitine and betaine in meat. In addition, the relevance of gender (male and female) and meat type (breast and thigh meat) was examined. A total of 595 F-1 progeny (black [B], grey-brown [G], red-brown [R], white [W], and yellow-brown [Y]) from 70 full-sib families were used. The moisture, protein, fat, and ash contents of the meats were significantly affected by line, gender, and meat type (p<0.05). The males in line G and females in line B showed the highest protein and the lowest fat content of the meats. L-carnitine and betaine content showed effects of meat type, line, and gender (p<0.05). The highest L-carnitine content was found in breast and thigh meats from line Y in both genders. The breast meat from line G and the thigh meat from line R had the highest betaine content in males. The female breast and thigh meats showed the highest betaine content in line R. These data could be valuable for establishing selection strategies for developing highly nutritious chicken meat breeds in Korea.
- 1011-2367
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