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鐵道構造改革에 있어 組織分割과 統合 決定要因에 관한 硏究 - 維持補修機能을 中心으로 - <方演根․李光石․權容蔣> : Organizational Division and Integration in the Korean Rail Reform - Focused on Rail Track Maintenance Function -
Cited 0 time in
Web of Science
Cited 0 time in Scopus
- Authors
- Issue Date
- 2001
- Publisher
- 서울대학교 노사관계연구소
- Citation
- Journal of industrial relations, Vol.12, pp. 135-159
- Abstract
- Korean railroad industry has been under reform stage recently. This
study analyzed the issue whether infrastructure maintenance function is
divided from train operation function or not. But the maintenance function
done by Korean National Railroad(KNR1 includes infrastructure improvement
jobs transferred from the construction department of KNR. There are
some argues about this improvement function whether it is integrated to
maintenance function or not. This study shows the reasons why some of
this improvement jobs should be part of the maintenance organization.
The improvement function is classified into short-term and long-term ones.
This study developed three alternatives which contain these short-term or
long-term improvement function or not and criteria in terms of which these
three alternatives are evaluated. In terms of transaction cost, alternative I
which separates only the construction function from train operator has
advantage over other alternatives because the railroad industry is thought a efficient integrated system having formed in 100 years. In terms of ease
of transform. the alternative I has also advantage over other alternatives
because of small change' from now status quo. As regards to the constraint
that maintenance function and improvement function should be integrated.
alternative I1 which has maintenance and short-term improvement function
together has advantage due to consistency with practices. In terms of
clearance of the role between train operator and construction organization.
subject to above criteria mentioned, alternative I1 is thought as the best.
This study concludes alternative I1 is the best which government authority
could choose to reform the railroad industry now.
- Language
- Korean
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