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외래어 표기법 개정 시안의 문제점 : On Translitering Loan Words by the Korean Alphabet- - A Critical Appraisal of the Revised Koreanization System--

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서울대학교 언어교육원
어학연구, Vol.15 No.1, pp. 39-59
The aim of this paper is to examine in depth the revised Koreanization system(draft) for loan words in Korean, which was announced by the Ministry of Education in December, 1978. Following a brief discussion of the general principle involved in transliteration a point by point evaluation of the revised version is made in relation to the current system. Unrealistic and unbalanced rules are all pointed out and possible remedies
suggested. Some of the main points arising from the revised version may be summarized
as follows;
1) The principle of Phoneticism" is not fully exploited. For instance, vowel length, duly marked in the current system, is now discontinued, thus leading to ineffective representation of the original pronunciation of loan words (vowel length, vowel qualities and rhythm).
2) Anglicism and Americanism are to be seperately transliterated as set forth in the Principle" of the revised version. However, This rule seems to be honoured only in principle and not in principle and not in practice. Similarly, loan words of Italian, French, German, Chinese and ]apanese origin should be transliterated directly on
the basis of their original phonetic values, and not via English.
3) The revised version is short-sighted in that it is not prepared to deal effectively with loan words in future. Various solutions are given to make it as far-sighted as possible
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