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Raumerganzungen der Attribuierten Adjektive aus dem Partizip II

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

Shin, Soo Song

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서울대학교 언어교육원
어학연구, Vol.41 No.1, pp. 119-142
attributive adjectivestheme asgumentfunctional representation directional movementstate of affairs
In this paper I tried to describe the semantice restriction of the derivation of the attributive adjectives from the past participle in German. The intransitive verbs with prepositional object representing the directional
movement of theme arguments show various scalas of grammaticality. For instances, the attributive adjectives derived from the past participle of the intransitive verbs gefahren 'gone', gelaufen 'walked' in the nominal
phrases der gefahrene Zug, der gelaufene Junge etc. are absolutely ungrammatical whereas the attributive adjectives derived from the past participle getreten, 'stepped', gestiegen, 'climbed' in the nominal phrases der
ans Fenster getretene Dieb, der auf den Gipfel des Berges gestiegene Junge are more acceptable. The derivation of attributive adjectives derived from the past participle of the transtivie verbs gestellt, gelegt etc. in
die in den Schrank gestellte Vase, die auf den Tisch gelegte Zeitung etc. give meaningful interpretations but somehow not quite acceptable. On the other hand the attributive adjectives angekommen, abgefahren in
der in Heidelberg angekommene Linguist, der nach Hamburg abgefahrene Zug etc. and the attribubitve adjectives angebracht in das im Zimmer angebrachte Bild, each derived from the past participles of intransitive
and transitive verbs respectively, are compretely grammaticaL All of these phenomena of the acceptablilty problems are explained in this paper with a unified method, namely the time and space information
concerning the state of affairs represended by the base verbs and the thematice roles of their arguments.
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